1250 PLN

Permanent Residence Permit/EU Resident

We offer comprehensive assistance in obtaining permanent residence for citizens of non-EU countries who want to permanently reside in Poland.  


Our offer is addressed to people who meet certain criteria, such as: 


  • Obtaining permanent residence based on Polish origin.
  • Obtaining permanent residence on the basis of marriage to a Polish citizen.
  • Obtaining permanent residence on the basis of the Pole’s Card.
  • Obtaining an EU long-term resident card.

We offer comprehensive advisory services in conducting residence proceedings, from the initial consultation to assess the appropriate basis for stay to the issuance of a decision by the first instance body of the competent public administration body.


**To enable the customer to conveniently use the service, the entire procedure was divided into two stages, with the possibility of payment in two tranches.



Our services include:


  • Support in correctly completing the application for permanent residence or long-term EU resident status, which is crucial for the success of the entire process.
  • Support in completing the application for a cash benefit for holders of the Pole’s Card settling in Poland.
  • Enrolling the client in the queue to submit documents at the office and providing personal or remote assistance on the day of submitting the documentation to ensure that the process runs smoothly and without unnecessary stress.
  • Representing the client in offices and receiving official correspondence, which allows for quick response to any inquiries or doubts from decision-making bodies. 
  • Representing the client in offices and receiving official correspondence, which allows for quick response to any inquiries or doubts from decision-making bodies. 
  • Solving problems and doubts that may arise during the procedure, including completing missing documents. 
  • Consultations with the client at every stage of the procedure, aimed at ensuring full transparency of the process and the client’s understanding of the actions taken. 

Stage II begins after receiving confirmation of submitting a complete and correct application for a permanent residence permit/EU Resident

Obtaining permanent residence based on Polish origin.

Proof of Polish ancestry: The applicant must prove the Polish ancestry of at least one parent or grandparent, as well as his/her related cultural identity. This can be done through documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, historical documents confirming nationality.  

Knowledge of the Polish language: The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the Polish language, which is confirmed by an appropriate certificate or by the consul during an interview. 

Stable financial situation: An applicant for permanent residence must demonstrate that he or she has sufficient means of subsistence for himself and his family, if applicable. 

Obtaining permanent residence on the basis of marriage to a Polish citizen

Duration of marriage: To apply for permanent residence, the marriage to a Polish citizen must have lasted continuously for at least 3 years before submitting the application. 

Stay in Poland: The applicant must stay in Poland on the basis of a valid temporary residence permit for at least 2 years before submitting the application for permanent residence. 

Obtaining permanent residence on the basis of the Pole’s Card

Possession of a Pole’s Card: The applicant must be the holder of a valid Pole’s Card, which is proof of the connection with Polishness. 

Declaration of settling in Poland: A person applying for permanent residence on the basis of the Pole’s Card must submit a declaration of intention to settle in Poland and take actions for the benefit of Polish culture and the Polish community. 


Residence permits for a long-term EU resident. 

Continuous residence in Poland: To apply for a permit, it is necessary to reside in Poland for an uninterrupted period of at least 5 years immediately before submitting the application. 

Knowledge of the Polish language: Confirmation of knowledge of the Polish language at B1 level is required to submit an application. This may be a certificate issued by authorized institutions.  

A long-term EU resident’s residence permit is, next to temporary and permanent residence permits, one of the main ways to legalize your stay in Poland. It is granted (like a permanent residence permit) without a specific validity period, which means that it gives you the opportunity to stay and work in Poland (without the need to obtain an additional permit) for an unlimited period of time.


Do you have any questions? Get in touch – we will get back to you as soon as possible.