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1500 PLN

Appeal against a negative decision before the second instance authority

We offer a comprehensive appeal service against a negative decision in administrative matters before the second instance body. It is addressed to people who have received a negative decision in their case and are looking for effective support in preparing and conducting the appeal process.

Our offer includes:

  • Preliminary analysis of the refusal decision: The first step is to carefully analyse the decision received to understand the reasons for the refusal and determine further options for action;
  • Developing an appeals process strategy: Based on the analysis, we develop an appeals strategy that will increase the chances of a successful case;
  • Preparing a draft appeal: We create a professionally prepared draft appeal that responds to all points raised in the negative decision.
  • Collecting the required evidentiary package of documents: We assist you in completing all required documentary evidence that may support your appeal;
  • Appealing to the second instance body: We submit an appeal on behalf of the client to the competent authority of the second instance dealing with the case;
  • Preparation of explanatory letters, reminders, length of the case: During the appeal procedure, we deal with all correspondence with the office, including preparing additional explanations, reminders, or questioning the length of the proceedings;
  • Constant contact with the foreigner with the designated guardian: We ensure continuous communication with the client throughout the duration of the case, informing about progress and next steps;
  • Conducting and supervising the proceedings: Our team of experts will monitor and supervise the entire appeal process until a final decision is reached.
We understand how stressful it can be to receive a negative decision and how important each case is for our clients. Therefore, our team makes every effort to provide effective and professional service at every stage of the appeal procedure.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule a consultation.